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Coming soon in VLAK 2: Marjorie Perloff on Gertrude Stein, Adrian Clarke on Karen Mac Cormack, Niall Lucy on Jacques Derrida, Louis Armand on Pierre Joris, David Vichnar on Michal Ajvaz, Kasia Bazarnik on Liberature, Jeroen Nieuwland on Monika Cichon, Ali Alizadeh on Australian poetry, David Hayman’s unpublished interviews with Robert Motherwell, translations of Philippe Sollers, Dorra Chammam, Emmanuelle Pireyre, Mehdi Mahfoudh, Moncef Gachem, Leila Sebbar, Ondřej Buddeus, photo essays by Adam Trachtman and Vadim Erent, poetry by Alice Notley, Pam Brown, Charles Bernstein, Ania Walwicz, Vincent Katz, Urs Jaeggi, John Kinsella, Hank Lazar, Ken Edwards, Larry Sawyer, Amy De'Ath, Megan M. Garr, Amy King, Steve Benson, Francesco Levato... & much much more!
VLAK 1 online at